Friday, August 28, 2015

EFG (Everyday Film and Gaming) INTRO

Hello, My name is Sam. I am 19 years old and I have a lot of ideas whirling around my head. I have a passion for TTRPGs and a love of film. This is just going to be a place to lock ideas into a permanent place. I do not have the best grammar, nor is this going to be a formal blog. What I am saying is, don't expect any grand novels or proper research articles. I will try my best to site sources, but most of what I will put up here is going to be firsthand experience. So let us get to my first post!

I just started school on Monday in the Cyber Security program at Century college and I gotta say, it's not the most enjoyable thing. I am currently attending community college so that I am not wasting money at a university while I try to figure out what I want to do. I think next semester, I am going to move into Mass Comm and try my hand at radio broadcasting, but I still don't know if that is actually going to work for me. I might just get into theater again and pursue that for a while.

I am moving soon, and I am nervous and excited at the same time. it will be 7 guys in a house next to dinkytown. Money is going to be tight for a while, but I will meet new people and gain some experience of living on my own.

SPY MOVIES....... FUCK YES. That's all for this segment.

No, but seriously, I am so glad that spy movies are coming back. The new Bond movies aren't really spy movies, they just feel like gritty action movies. Yes, they involve a lot of espionage, but there is just something about them that doesn't feel like a spy movie. I am not going to spend too much time bashing the Bond movies, I actually enjoy them, but they lack the lightheartedness of older Spy films or films like the Kingsman. They are dark and tense through the whole movie and there is nothing wrong with this, but I like my spies strapped to a metal slab, dangling over a pool of hungry sharks with guns strapped to them while a laser slowly moves between his legs. Now that's way over the top and unnecessary, but it has humor. It has life. It has fun. Personally, I think spy movies should be just a little over the top. Spy movies are supposed to have action in there, but nothing should stop it from enjoying itself while it blows shit up. This could probably be fixed by adding some unrealistic gadgets, strange villains, interesting sidekick/love interest/friend/mentor/team, or even just a main character that says more than 20 words throughout the whole movie. Again, I do enjoy the new Bond films, I just feel like they are more of a drama.

Some movies to look out for.

  • The Man From U.N.C.L.E
  • Kingsman: Secret Service
I am also going to say; marathon the Star Wars movies because Force awakens is coming out and if you aren't excited for it yet, watching those movies will definitely make you.

If you have anything to add or argue about, or if you just want to call me a unintelligent prick, leave it in the comments. I would love to hear from you.

On the 27th of August, I played Star wars: Force and Destiny for the first time, and it is now my favorite system. I ran the lure of the lost free adventure for a group of 5 people at my local game shop and everyone loved it. I know that I skipped the beginner adventure, and it was a little strange jumping into the middle of the story, but we figured it out and made it through. The reason I started at the lure of the lost adventure was because the beginner game has a lot of training wheel rules. I was playing with many experienced edge of the empire players, so it felt better to jump straight into the game. The only confusing part of the system is morality. I understand why morality is in place, but I have a hard time putting it into a game without it feeling forced. Maybe I don't understand the rules for it very well, but I read the rules 3 times and I thought I had it down. Anyways, I am actually going to switch off with being the game master with a few other people, so I did actually make a character. My Edge of the Empire character was a prototype R6 unit that specialized in mechanics, computers and weaponry, so I wanted to make another fixer character. I was going to go with an Artisan mechanic, but one of the other players already had a Jawa Artisan that he is going to spec into a soresu defender (specialization that focuses on guarding you and your allies while using your intelligence for your lightsaber skill). I didn't want to have 2 mechanics so I looked through the book again and I was fond of the healer tree, but then I saw that seeker pathfinders basically get an animal companion and my mind was made up. Soon, my character will have a pet vornskr or tusk cat that she can ride. This may just sound like me rambling, but I do really want to get across that this system  has so many choices, and you never stop getting stronger. You could play with the same character for your entire life, and there will still be different trees that you can pick up or upgrade, or new skills that you can train into. There is a limit on your base attributes, but there is no reason that you can't pick up more abilities and skills. The possibilities are endless.

I would like to hear what you have to say about the system, or if you have any recommendations for other systems. Leave a comment if you want to share your ideas. I will try my hardest to respond.

Thanks for reading,

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