Saturday, November 14, 2015

Barbara Ann the Barbarian

Week two of TheDustywahl + BottleofGreen blogging contest! you can find his blog over at Thank you for reading!

This week's post is going to be a little lighthearted and short. I am going to talk about a joke character I would love to play some day. It is also dedicated to my friend TheDustyWahl simply because he got me listening to the Beach Boys. Lets get started!

I would again be using the fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons rules, but I am sure you could transfer this idea to almost any system. 

"BA BA BA. BA BARBARANN. BA BA BA. BA BARANN" She sings, introducing herself.
The party looks at her confused as she begins singing other Beach Boys songs to explain where she came from. She grabs her Greataxetar and begins playing a tune that you wouldn't expect to come from someone so strong and clumsy. When she is on stage, she has the entire crowd in the palm of her hands. As her performance goes on, the party finds themselves singing along with harmonies that they have never heard. This is no sorcery or magic, it is the power of Barbara Ann the Barbarian. 
*Theme Music*

I would build this character as a human barbarian with the entertainer background. I might take a few levels in bard just to get the spell suggestion so I can force my enemies to harmonize with me, but ability scores would be pretty easy: High Charisma, High strength, high Constitution, Okay Dexterity and who needs intelligence or wisdom.

Her backstory would be that she comes from a family of performers. She was actually quite smart at one point and showed promise for becoming a wizard, but she took a deal with a devil and she was cursed. The deal she made was for unlimited power, but the devil wasn't strong enough to grant her that kind of power, so instead, he just made her kind of strong. Barbara Ann is cocky though and she didn't read the fine print before recklessly signing the contract. This deal sapped her of her intelligence and made it so that the only way she can communicate is through music that she already knew, thus sealing her fate as a musical dumb brute.

Thank you for reading! I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Good Night,

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